Legal information.
The websites www.eurocave.com, www.eurocave.fr, www.eurocave.de and www.eurocave.co.uk are edited by the Company, EuroCave France SAS with capital of 1 000 400 euros, located at 12-14 av. Antoine Dutriévoz, CS 40145, 69628 Villeurbanne cedex, France.
EuroCave SAS is registered under the Lyon Commerce and Business Registry under number 320 316 995 R.C.S Lyon - APE 2751Z
VAT Identification number: FR30320316995
Publication director: Benoît Favier
You can contact us on:
- By letter:
EuroCave France SAS
12-14 av. Antoine Dutriévoz - cs 40145
69628 Villeurbanne cedex - France
- By phone: +33(0)4 26 10 18 11
- By email: eboutique@eurocave.com
Production, integration
CaféFrappé - 13 rue Gougeard - 72 000 Le Mans - France
OVH Gravelines - ZI Les Huttes - Rte de la Ferme Masson - 59820 Gravelines - France
Protection of personal data
Find our full privacy policy here.
In compliance with the applicable law, please note that collection of information provided in the Contact section is required in order to deal with your request.
The information submitted will only be used by EuroCave network. It will enable us to deal with your request, to offer you personalised services and to inform you of our products and services. It will also be used for customer loyalty, management and statistical analysis purposes.
You have the right to access, amend, oppose, limit, change and rectify your information.
To do this :
- Send a letter to:
EuroCave France SAS
12-14 av. Antoine Dutriévoz - cs 40145
69628 Villeurbanne cedex - France
- Fill-in the form here
- Phone to: +33(0)4 26 10 18 11
- Send an email to: dpo@eurocave.com
Website content
The information on the websites eurocave.com, eurocave.fr, eurocave.co.uk and eurocave.de is provided for informational purposes only. EuroCave SAS does not guarantee that this information is always accurate, complete, or up to date. There may be errors or inaccuracies on the site. This information may be regularly updated, and changes will be incorporated into the new versions of the site. EuroCave SAS reserves the right to modify or improve the products or services mentioned on the site at any time without notice.
Installation photos are non-contractual and are subject to specific installation conditions. Please inquire with your EuroCave distributor.